Monday, November 9, 2009

what i think.....

What I think…….
I would agree with Prof. Leo technology is important and is highly influenced in our lives today. I would assume most of you who read this would agree. How many of us do you think could survive without MySpace, Facebook, twitter, or none the less a computer? When I read Joe’s narrative I liked it, it was better than the other readings, I liked his use of Italian English in academic terms which we talked about in Prof. Leo’s class on different languages. The reading is a very strong a descriptive story about what he does in his life.

One thing I found interesting in his reading is when he talks about his writing class his English is a heavy Italian English and I actually had to reread some sentences to understand them. Also what I found ironic is how Joe has a degree in engineering when my twin brother went away for college to become one. Getting back on topic Joe’s life was influenced by technology and is truly amazing how much one can do to succeed in life.

To summarize I couldn’t really say all the things I wanted to say but I think it is truly amazing how someone raised in lower class society can rise up and obtain a degree and make something big of themselves and be able to make a lot of money doing a job they like to do and what their best at doing. What my grandpa would always say “the day you’re born and the day you drop are not what counts it’s the dash in-between that counts. So how much can you accomplish with your dash?” I would definitely be amazed again if a read another narrative by Joe amato…..

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