Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Thoughs on Joe

I truly understand the exactly where Joe is coming from in his story. Even though there is a total difference between my background culture (Dominican) and Joe's coming from a "True Italian" Generation there are plenty of things in common between the two regarding family rules and traditional rules. For example my family never my sister to get married to someone none Dominican and someone that was not a professional (MBA) in a certain subject, of course that political would be the preferred of all. and of course it was very traditional that woman would stay home cleaning, baby sitting and taking care of the house of if their was workers sort of manage over the cleaning crew. The man was always the one involved in any decision making regarding house or outside business.

Something very common as well is the man having woman out of the home relationship and the most of the wife new about it and really did not had much to said about it as long as there was food on the table and all the bill were paid. One thing that I can see vary is the way of his father thinking from mine, is about the position he had in life. My father was ambitious and never wanted us to be any different. School was pushed onto us as a primary goal
I would not criticise him because of the way he referred to his family. I do feel that even though everything seems to be perfect and that we are all equal is not, at least that's my opinion. Through my work and life experience i notice that know matter how hard you try to get out and be acknowledge for trying to better your self and be up to the standards you will still be how they see you, if is at your job or school, friends, etc, etc. I guess the important thing is to know where you want to go and believe on the path you have chosen. There are going to be those along the way that are going to try to push you of the road but you have to stay focus and keep walking the line until you get there, or at least try. It is not easy specially for those of us that have a strong accent and have a very strong background of our roots, like they say there are somethings that were not meant to change, maybe you are one of them. But do learn who and where you going because in my opinion lots of people are worry to please everyone and to have many friends, but all you need is a very good friend or hand to help, listen, advise you or recognize you in the time need it. So regardless of the hard road ahead, stay focus and don't stop until you get there don't look back.

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