Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Point Of View On Joe Amato

Personally I like Joe Amato story, he is really honest and talk about his background without any discretion. In other families they would not talk about a family member being in prison for 21 years and that he did not like to work and usually is making phony claim to the insurances or say the one of his aunts had an affair with a African American throught the war. That makes the story unique. Writers sometimes do not like to get so personal especially is there is something that will bother them like his parents divorce and how his mom through him out of the house when he brought his wife to the house because she was French.
Sometimes our backgrounds put barriers in how we develop as a person specially educationally, middle class parents have a lot of problem to provide to their children who would like to go a specific university because the lack of funds and the influence a lot. How depends where did you go to school thats is going to difine what type a job you will get.
I agree wit Joe Amato it is true the technology is able to help us to write and compose people could write about anything now in days; you could be writing about news in China if you want to in the same day of a event happen, just you have to look in the internet or the media and you will be able to write about a specific event.

1 comment:

  1. Barriers are created by internal and external influences. I find your ideas on this topic very intelligent but fallacious at the same time. This is not saying you did not pick a good subject. It is actually one the most scarce and most valuable things to talk about.
    One thing that I like to point out is that some writers thrive on those negative experiences in order to trigger a spark of writing flare. It helps to disclose some of those emotions they had bottled up inside of them and in the end helps them achieve humility and sensuality.
    Sometimes it helps to release your inhibitions into your writing. Once you look at the paper, those feelings you had are in a physical form. You look at it and this feeling of serenity replaces the void where the negative emotions were in. Interesting to think about don't you think?


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