Monday, November 9, 2009

Chyeahhh Joe Amatoooooo

I found the reading to be boring but it takes a lot to entertain me with books considering I read books about drugs, sex and alcohol. The social issues behind them just interest me but I digress. Don’t get me wrong I love a story about family and struggle and overcoming the struggle however, this reading in particular bored me.

In some ways, I can relate to Joe Amatos Family values. Considering I get a call from my grama at least once a day about her computer, i know how to use technology, and I try to relay the skills to her. A rolling joke in my family is “IM IN YAHOO!" This is because we were teaching my grama how to get pictures from her camera to her computer and we gave her directions and she completely disregarded what we said and continued to tell us 3 times that she was "IN YAHOO!" All joking aside however, I never had to deal with learning 2 languages for my family however I relate to the technology aspect. I give my grama credit for even trying to learn the in’s and out’s of today’s technology. Her and my gramps are pretty shweet on the computer and I hate to say it but my grama is now on Facebook.

Although the technology argument isn’t “life threatening” or against peoples “moral values” it does happen to be controversial. In some ways technology really “blows” for lack of better words because many people lost their “people skills” and use “aim talk.” However, look at the medical advances we’ve made with preventative care and the cures to diseases that didn’t exist 10 years ago. People are living longer however lives are now cut shorter because the lack of exercise.

People live on their computers in today’s times. Hey how about instead of goin on Facebook, go on a nice long walk or clean your room or dare I say it?...hit the gym! Wowwwwwww miraculous solutions to this “epidemic.” And all you skinny people out there don’t condescend to people who are overweight. However, I digress again.

Joe Amato touches on these topics but what I got out of it is a “coming of age” story about his family i.e. learning new things, stepping into a new generation, a new era of the world. The lesson I learned is to keep an open mind and try to give all new events and products a try, if you don’t like it “spit it out” as I always say.


  1. Cheyah,
    First let me start out by saying while reading your entry i was almost literally laughing outloud, and your name caught my attention. I amost wish that i choose a funner name then just my own. It was entertaining to read, i think we can all relate to having someone in our lives who is technologically out of touch. I'll just say i would have much rather have read a story you wrote for 3 semi pages then "family Values" by joe amato.

    I agree 100% i found it boring and after a couple stories about his family struggle, which seems like what we always seem to read about i got lost. You didnt touch much on anything else but the technology aspect of the story but, it was what you related to and it made perfect sense to me! But, for someone who was "into" the story i think they would say that you probably didnt read the whole story or that you just only found the technology section somewhat interesting to you.

    But, like i said it doesnt matter to me, since me as the reader was finding your short blog entry to be more interesting, and entertaing then the actual reading. "family Values" isnt the type of reading i usually do either, i am a reader myself and i find the topics you described in the begining of your entry obviously more entertaining.

    Overall i deffitnley agree with your connection with Joe Amato and his technology outlook. And, im sure if you look at my response to the reading on here to seem like i just choose an interesting section and expanded on that. Which, i most deffintley did.


    As for

  2. I agree with pretty much everything that was said in this blog entry. I especially found it funny when you told the little story about your grandma. I also found the reading to be boring in some parts, but there were a few things that I found interesting.
    The way you relate Joe Amato to technology is completely relevent. I agree that society today relies too much on technology. Some people wouldn't know what to do if all computers crashed, it would be like the end of the world for them.
    I think you had the most interesing post on this blog. You really know how to grab a reader's attention.


  3. i like your blogg because its funny, i can tell you were in a good mood when writing this and i agree with your ideas on the reading


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