Monday, November 9, 2009

Joe Amato's Family Values

At first I didn’t know what to expect when I first started reading Joe Amato’s story. As I read through it I found it to be very interesting. I can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been for him and his family to emigrate from another country. The language barrier alone must’ve been extremely hard to overcome.

I was very surprised when I read that he obtained a four year degree. You have to give him a lot of credit for becoming a teacher and a writer, especially since he came from Italy not knowing a lot of English. He describes the English that he and family use as “broken English”, but eventually he learns standard English and sort of navigates away from his family’s language. He seems to be very honest throughout the entire piece. I have a lot of respect for him considering everything he went through. He still was able to get an education and a career to support his family.


  1. I agree with this person because this story of Joe Amato’s family is interesting by the fact that his coming from a family that has to immigrate to the United States without knowing anything about the Unite States culture. I can tell from my own experience how difficult it has been for him and his family to adapt to another culture. Language is a fundamental factor that all the immigrants who doesn’t speak English have to face in the U.S.

    Joe Amato is teaching us that no matter how difficult things can get you always have a chance to become successful in life.

  2. This was a fantastic peice of blog. I enjoyed every moment that i got to read it. I agree that the difficuly to learn a new language is an obstacle in its self let alone obtaining a 4 year degree and becoming a teacher and writer. Life comes at you fast and these opportunities aren't exactly "dime-a-dozen." So i completely agree with Stephs Blog. Carpe Diem.

  3. I really like what you wrote steph because I can really relate to it. I moved here when I was 12 and I can tell you that language it’s a really big barrier which is really hard to overcome specially when you want to get a higher education because sometimes it seems that even though you try really hard to master English completely... there is new things and rules you learn every day.
    I being in this country for almost 5 years.. And if I don’t feel good about how I speak English I can’t imagine how people that don’t really speak english at all feel...people that don’t have the same educational opportunity I had and are struggling everyday to bring food to the table… because they can learn or don’t have an opportunity to learn English... like i did..

  4. I agree with your post that it must have been so difficult for him to overcome those obsticles! I also like Joe really want to exspand my education. I am the first of my family to go to college and it's a grwat feeling when you know your doing your best and getting the most you can out of your life...really enjoed reading your post! =)


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