Monday, November 9, 2009

In Joe Amato’s narrative literacy he starts off telling about his family and how his grandparents act. He then proceeds to speak about when he was growing up he never had much of anything. On almost every page in the beginning of the narrative he states an obstacle his family came across. At the bottom of page one he talks about his grandmother and how when his father got back from the war with his French bride, Amato’s mother, she kicked them out for no apparent reason. Family struggles aren’t the only problems he depicts in his narrative. Like it is for a lot of families bills are also not the easiest things to keep on top of.
As he goes on to tell about his families’ poverty he says that when they were living in an upstairs apartment they didn’t pay their electricity bill therefore the electricity company shut off their power. To solve this problem he said he father paid the man Gerry downstairs twenty dollars a month to run an extension cord downstairs. Upstairs they would plug in the TV, a fan, a lamp and a refrigerator. They would put they fan by the oven and left the oven on for heat. After he overcomes all of these obstacles he goes on to succeed in the future.
He goes on to tell about how he went on to college and was the only person in his family to graduate with a four year degree and even more. Amato expresses his feeling about how he feels toward the way things work by putting each little piece of something to make it into one working system or machine. Since he was so interested in this he took an interest in engineering and got his degree for that. He even talks about how writing itself interests him because of the way every little letter goes together to form a working system which makes up a language or way of communicating.
Technology and writing are both composed of little pieces or bits of information molded together to form a working system. In my lifetime technology has advanced greatly to the point where the technology that is being invented has impacted my literacy acquisition. For example, the internet and advanced computers are probably one of the biggest things that impacted my literacy acquisition because it has enabled me to find information that i would have


  1. dill, i really liked yur blog because you gave specific examples from the reading. great job!

  2. I like that you pick up the economic issues Joe's narrative presents. In what ways does money influence our education or access to certain technologies that might help us gain a wider array of literacy practices?

  3. I didn't get to finish but to answer your question, the more money you have the better education you can get. After highschool it's all about money, if you don't have the money to pay for a good school, your not going to end up going to a good college. Plus with more money you could buy more tools and gadgets that help youw ith writing.

  4. For you what makes a college a "good college"? When you were a student in HS and now considering your experience as a college student how do you judge schools as good or bad? Should we think about things in these either or categories or another way?


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