Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A la Famiglia

From reading Amot's narrative it is interesting how he talks about the ways in which we use different types of technology in and out of the classroom when it comes to writing. Even though we tend to think that we may not read or write on a daily basis we actually due. When your on facebook updating your status or sending out a text to a friend or even reading things off of the internet we in fact are constantly reading and writing.

I like the question that you posted asking"Should we forget who we are in order to to gain a certain status". In my own personal opinion i think we shouldn't. Yes of course as we get older we should know the standard way of speaking and writing english, thats a given but do i think we should just forget about who we are and where we came from completly, no. You should always carry with you what you have learned through out the years of schooling and from self learning and how you go to be where you are today.

In the classroom like you said we tend to not know where we may stand inside of the class and who really has the power. Usually one may think it is the teacher, but to me you cant run a class without students so in some ways the students usually tend to have the power when it comes to the classroom. Students have a voice and share opinions and if anything i think that most teachers or professors can learn a lot from students and learn new things and take certain information that they have learned with them for the rest of their teaching carreir.

Of course these are just my opinions and you can agree or disagree with them. I feel through reading parts of his narrative this is what he wanted us to do.. to have an opinion on the different ways we use technology in the classroom and all the different ways that we use it.

1 comment:

  1. whats up

    you mention the topic on education vs self being. i think your correct on how you think that education cannot shape who you are as a whole, but on the flipside education can most definatly enchance a person. education can ( for most people) gives you a whole different insight on life and how to approach it in smarter way


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