Monday, November 9, 2009

Relating and Recapping

When I first began this reading I was surprised to see how it related to my own life so much. Like Joe I too am Italian. My grandfather came to America from Sicily as well. Ironically I had a great-grandmother who lived to be 101. Although we have these similarities what I found most intriguing about his writing was what he took from all this.

I really liked the beginning; I felt it set the mood for the rest of the reading. I think in his case, like many others it’s important to see where they began in comparison to where he is now. He definitely got the point across that his life wasn’t easy and he along with the rest of his family struggled and worked hard. He was very descriptive and personal which helped me understand his life even better.

This reading reminded me a little of “Child of the Dark” to see how someone came for a hard place to become successful in life. He went to college and can support himself, which he even mentioned was the first in his family. This reading also relates to a lot of what we discuss in class, because it did show a little slang and talked about “broken” English.

I liked his mention of technology as well. I think technology gives use the resources we need to learn more and in depth. We can Google something in 5 seconds and have a million answers. In conclusion I enjoyed the reading and thought it was very interesting, I liked reading about his life and achievements, because a lot of people think they are going to do what they’re parents did. In reality we can achieve great things no matter who our family is or what they’ve done. We can all create a new path.


  1. I agree with your post, I also did think it was similar to "Children of the Dark". I also really liked the way you related yourself to Joe. Being Hispanic i wouldn't really know much about Italian life but I also tried to relate myself with him in the aspect of reaching higher education! Also the whole technology thing I totally agree. We are living in such an advanced age that we need to take advantage of it.

    Well Maggie, I really enjoyed reading your post and thought it was very great overall! =)

  2. Maggiieee! It is good to know that you can relate to Joe's background. I am part Italian too but i dont know what part of Italy my grandmother is from. She was very secretive about her background. Wow I cant believe your great grandmother was 101 years old. My great grandmother didnt live to see 70 years old.

    I do agree that this reading reminded me of "Child of the Dark". They both shared with us on how hard their life was and how they had to struggle to get where they are now. But i think Joe's reading was more open and detailed about his life.

    Technology does let us learn more about things. But i think that the technology effects on how we communicate too, just like joe said in his reading. We have facebook, myspace, texting and all the other technologies that let us communicate. That is true on how we think we are going to do what our parents did. I can relate to that, but i realized that was not what i wanted to do.


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