Monday, November 9, 2009

Family Values

This reading once again shows the struggle of going from one culture to another. The reading shows the struggle of being lower class. It also shows the struggle in family. It truly identifies the difference in people. The reading makes me feel that people tend to focuses on differences rather than similarities. Even in the reading Joe says he can tell the difference between the “haves” and the “have not’s”. It was simple for people to tell who had more or less and I feel it was definitely something that helped identify Joe.
Joe coming to America from another country with an Italian back round was definitely classified as a have not. Him growing up in a broken down house with even some of the basic necessities missing definitely shows great impact of his struggle. He had to use the stove to heat his home, he had his electricity cut off he had the basics to get by. It just really calls out.
It wasn’t bad enough that Joe lived in a broken home but even that he came from a broken family. He talked of experiences of family members not talking to one another for over 17 years! Lots of family’s have disputes arguments but he really captured the extreme points of when family members just break apart. But he even caught the best in family for example the fact that he still took care of his father in later years when it was needed. He would help his father pay things off and so on. He could have just as easily abandoned his father and took care of himself to help pay off his bills and his problems.
Something I can relate to is the family values. It is important to value your family. “Blood is thicker than water”. So pretty much that means when everyone else leaves you out to die your family will always be there to save you. I feel Joe had his family values set right even though other parts of his family had their values set in total disarray. Family will always be the most important thing in your life.


  1. I agree on what you said about how people tend to focus on differences than similarities. I think that the reason for this is that when people see someone they realize how they are different from that person. Whether its by appearance, culture or social status. This reading definatly depicts how this comes into play in Joes' life.
    I agree when you said that it was something that heled identify Joe. In my town theres two sides that went to two different middle schools and the same high school. The kids who were from the south side definatly wore different clothes and had more nice posessions than the kids from the north side. I can relate to what Joe is saying in his reading because even though it's not to the same extremes, it happens in my town.
    I definatly see where your coming form when you say it wasn't bad enough that Joe lived in a broken old house he also had a broken family. I could see how it would be hard not talking to a family member for 17 years. My family gets in little arguments and might not talk to eachother for a little bit but eventually they all get over it. I believe that when you said "Blood is thicker than water," you were right on the dot. I think that is a perfect statement to say about family because no matter what happends your always going to be connected in one way or another. Therefore, I really liked some of your thoughts and comments on the reading and couldn't agree more.

  2. You say, "The reading makes me feel that people tend to focuses on differences rather than similarities." and I think this is something each of the narratives wants us to consider. Are we indoctrinated into specific cultural or societal beliefs that want us to think we are all similar? If we are to read narratives and add our own narratives what would that do to sameness?


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