Monday, November 9, 2009

Self created brilliance

To define the exact reasons why an individual speaks the way that they do is an impossible task and is open to complete debate. The way that you and we speak is for a number of reasons such as ware we grew up, the education we received, or the way language was spoken in the household as a child. All these aspects influence the way speak but influencing the way that knowledge is received, a cretin spectrum of understanding to understand the things surrounding the individual.
To say upbringing and education is the reason why a person will speak and learn in a cretin way is a very strong argument but I do not think that it is all that dictates how we learn and speak. If a person desired to speak a cretin way, the individual can strive toward their goal to change the way they use spoken language no matter what their upbringing or the way they were tough to speak was. Persistence and will are two unstoppable powers that can push a person to do whatever they want, breaking all rules that were learned in the past.


  1. i completly agree that a person can change they way they talk with just will. the upbringing dose affect the way they speak but it is able to be change and i agree
    i have a friend who actually learned a who new accent that he did not grow up with or around he just wanted to learn it. people can comepleatly change it

  2. mason i like your blogg because you didnt start off by saying after reading joe amato's .....i like your use of words to explain your point of view about the story and i also agree with you that everyone has their own language...awesome!

  3. i agree also i have an aunt who lived in ney work and ended up living in florida. She ended up developing the floridian accent and now when she talks its quite obvious to hear. a person can choose how he or she speaks no it will not be easy but it is possible to change the way your accent is used.
    if you think about it cant technology also add to accent changes and even more perceptions to others views through tv and radio?? think about it, if a person wants to come to america and they study our culture by watching tv they could try to adapt themselves to the accents that they hear or the language that they hear.
    isnt it also possible to change your accents on the fly depending on the certain situation you are in like ok if your with your friends you cuold hae a relaxed attitude followed by curseing alot but when your mom walks in the curseing stops and your speaking proper english so your mom can comprehend what your saying. haveing the ability to change accents on the fly i think is a skill and in general is just something to look at great post thought.

  4. I agreee with what you are saying people speak and think differently because the world wasnt raised in the same household. Everyone has there own life experiences and were exposed to different things. Some people arent fortunate enough to get an education that teaches them how to speak what is considered to be "proper". My opinion is that there is no proper way of speaking or a proper way to express yourself. As long as you are able to get your point across and people can understand you. There is something special about every culture. If everyone was the same it would be one boring world. diversity is what makes the world interesting. What if it made no differenece if someone were to travel from america to japan because everyone in japan spoke the same way as them looked the same way had no difference in culture and did the same things. wouldnt that change the reason of someone wanted to go on vaction , dont people go on vaction to get away from what is considered to be the "norm" to them: a change of environment. i think the different cultures in the world are a good thing because they all add something on to each other and teach one another something different and new. For example chinese food has had a major effect on American people. It is one of the most popoular in the country. People need to stop discriminating, judging, criticizing one another for their differences and learn to embrace it. Once everyone is no longer against each other and would take the time to understand why someone is different from them the world would be a better place and there wouldnt be things like slavery, the holocaust and war .

  5. Interesting points being raised in this blog thread. I wonder if what some of you are getting at is that 1. we have multiple voices that we use separately or together in any given situation. 2. Language to some extent is performative in that our identities are dependent on outside influences which in a sense fictionalize our voices. What do you all think?


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