Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Chris's opinion.

In Family Values -Literacy, Technology and Uncle Sam, Amato shows all the characteristics of the members in his family. He came from another family from Italy that immigrated to the US and had problems speaking english and he describes it as "broken English". This relates to me because I went through this same experience since I migrated to the US about 8 years ago. As many other people we didn't know much English; The only English knowledge i knew was from the few English classes i had taken over there, but with the years i have learned it and feel myself more of a citizen.

I find very interesting the way that Amato expresses himself about writing. For many people ,writing is not really a main part of their lives but it is for Amato. He talks about writing in details and he's pointed out some facts that i hadn't realized. He sees that writing can be in various forms and these are "the alphabet(of course), paper, ink,software, hardware, hands". These are things i dont keep in mind but are true because most of students use computers in a daily basis and chat and emails each other and get essays typed up to hand in. Most of the writing nowadays is done on computers.And it's fun!

He also tries to make a point saying that writing doesnt have to look in one standard way and that throughout the years writing changes.He points out the swerves of an S and the zigzags of the Z; this made me think about how the letters could have changed over time and they will keep on doing it as the generations pass by.

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