Wednesday, November 4, 2009

hmmmm...i guess untitled

i dont know where to start. i understand what he was talking about, how technology affects, or changes our literacy. you learn so much from every aspect of life, we just dont notice, i dont notice. i didnt start to notice the changes and how these changes came about until i was asked to look for them. i understand why the way i am a little better than i did, its nice in a way but it also makes me question myself more. is that a bad thing??? im not completely sure, it can be in some situations but not all situations. again, im not sure what im supossed to be writing here or where im going with this blog. a reflection of some sort. who knows?

communications technologies are very important, i know that because i use them everyday, almost all day as well. i was never very fond of writing, i recently have become a fan though. before the present day in which i live, i was sure that i didnt like writing, but now that i think of it, i subconsiously bagan to like writing without even knowing. i remember back in the day, when i was young there was something new brought into the lives of all us americans, AOL. i think thats where i began my writing, at this point i dont know if i liked writing yet, but ive allowed it to become a part of my social life. instead of talking on the phone i would spend hours typing, who would have knew? i typed so much, i practicly had carpotunnel(spell check). now that i have a cell phone, texting is something i do more than anything, i dont even have alot of minutes, all i do is text. i want to say that it makes my life easier but at the same time it makes life harder as well. i know anyone who has had a cell phone and a signifigant other, has had miscommunications through text message. i know ive had, recently too.

to be continued....

1 comment:

  1. i like the part where you talk about how writing and texting can cause miss comunication
    i think it really can because when texting you cant really express the emotion behind things as well. you cant change the pitch of the voise. there is just things wrighting cant do that saying would make a lot esaier
    i love texting too though i do it all day every day
    but so many times do i get people pissed at me cuz they think i meant one thing when i meant a totally diffrent thing. but i love it xD


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