Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Family Values
Friday, November 13, 2009
A new point of view on Family Values
However, as I read over the reading again, I realized that all the reasons for his, what I thought, useless details, actually tied into the whole essay. He explains the fact that our backgrounds and upbringings can tie into how we develop educationally. After reading again, I liked the details that he included, and I actually did relate to some of the things he was saying. I realized that some families, my family included, don’t have certain opportunities and resources to get a “top of the line” education. After realizing this, I have changed my point of view and I am inspired by Amato’s telling of his family and their influences on him educationally.
Amato’s point of technology influencing our generation caught my attention immediately. I agree with him completely. The way we learn, research, communicate, and even meet people has definitely changed, and is changing day by day. One example that I thought of was Sparknotes.com. I feel this site has completely changed the effort and interest in literature for all students. I saw a lot of this in high school when we were reading a book in class. The teacher would assign various chapters to read, and most of my friends and peers (not me!) didn’t read the chapters! They would just go on spark notes and print out the information that only applied to the class. They may be getting little bits of information to help them pass a test, but really they are not getting a full look and appreciation of a book. Whereas when my mother was young, they had no other option but to read and comprehend an entire book, without the help of a silly website.
With that being said, it is not just social networking sites that are changing just the way we interact with people. The internet and technology in general is completely changing our appreciation for learning and knowledge. Maybe if our society looked back to people like Joe Amato’s family they will realize that education and learning should be something to be appreciated. Joe Amato and his family struggled to just put food on their table or pay their rent, due to the fact they didn’t have an equal opportunity for an education or even a steady job for that matter. I think technology has taught us to take our education for granted. I even hear some people say- “Why learn it in class? I can just find it on the internet.”
It was also interesting hearing about his work life and the corruption that it entailed. It seems that after time he conformed to the ways that were presented to him. He mentions having smiled whenever he was insulted...I enjoyed that.
It also seems that he ended up being a teacher, something that I can relate to. It is inspiring that even though life was not easy living for him he still aspired to do and be something more.
language,poverty and culture
Im glad to have learned throughout the story that he rose from poverty and was the first in his family to further his education and get a degree in engineering. I think this story is inspirational because people who come from a life like this can see that culture doesnt always set you back, ad if you really have the right determination you can get very far and make your family proud.
Monday, November 9, 2009
I think this reading relates a lot to what we have been talking in class these past months, not only race, but social classes too, Also about literary backgrounds. I noticed as I was reading he talked about different languages his family speaks.
My thoughts about Joe Amato's Family Values
I like how he goes into detail about his past and his family because for a lot of people it is hard for them to relive the past and what they went through when they were children. He explains a little something about each of his uncles and his grandparents. He explains what they went through and all the family rumors that went on.
My point of veiw
Self created brilliance
To say upbringing and education is the reason why a person will speak and learn in a cretin way is a very strong argument but I do not think that it is all that dictates how we learn and speak. If a person desired to speak a cretin way, the individual can strive toward their goal to change the way they use spoken language no matter what their upbringing or the way they were tough to speak was. Persistence and will are two unstoppable powers that can push a person to do whatever they want, breaking all rules that were learned in the past.
As he goes on to tell about his families’ poverty he says that when they were living in an upstairs apartment they didn’t pay their electricity bill therefore the electricity company shut off their power. To solve this problem he said he father paid the man Gerry downstairs twenty dollars a month to run an extension cord downstairs. Upstairs they would plug in the TV, a fan, a lamp and a refrigerator. They would put they fan by the oven and left the oven on for heat. After he overcomes all of these obstacles he goes on to succeed in the future.
He goes on to tell about how he went on to college and was the only person in his family to graduate with a four year degree and even more. Amato expresses his feeling about how he feels toward the way things work by putting each little piece of something to make it into one working system or machine. Since he was so interested in this he took an interest in engineering and got his degree for that. He even talks about how writing itself interests him because of the way every little letter goes together to form a working system which makes up a language or way of communicating.
Technology and writing are both composed of little pieces or bits of information molded together to form a working system. In my lifetime technology has advanced greatly to the point where the technology that is being invented has impacted my literacy acquisition. For example, the internet and advanced computers are probably one of the biggest things that impacted my literacy acquisition because it has enabled me to find information that i would have
what i think.....
I would agree with Prof. Leo technology is important and is highly influenced in our lives today. I would assume most of you who read this would agree. How many of us do you think could survive without MySpace, Facebook, twitter, or none the less a computer? When I read Joe’s narrative I liked it, it was better than the other readings, I liked his use of Italian English in academic terms which we talked about in Prof. Leo’s class on different languages. The reading is a very strong a descriptive story about what he does in his life.
One thing I found interesting in his reading is when he talks about his writing class his English is a heavy Italian English and I actually had to reread some sentences to understand them. Also what I found ironic is how Joe has a degree in engineering when my twin brother went away for college to become one. Getting back on topic Joe’s life was influenced by technology and is truly amazing how much one can do to succeed in life.
To summarize I couldn’t really say all the things I wanted to say but I think it is truly amazing how someone raised in lower class society can rise up and obtain a degree and make something big of themselves and be able to make a lot of money doing a job they like to do and what their best at doing. What my grandpa would always say “the day you’re born and the day you drop are not what counts it’s the dash in-between that counts. So how much can you accomplish with your dash?” I would definitely be amazed again if a read another narrative by Joe amato…..
Joe Amato's Family Values
I was very surprised when I read that he obtained a four year degree. You have to give him a lot of credit for becoming a teacher and a writer, especially since he came from Italy not knowing a lot of English. He describes the English that he and family use as “broken English”, but eventually he learns standard English and sort of navigates away from his family’s language. He seems to be very honest throughout the entire piece. I have a lot of respect for him considering everything he went through. He still was able to get an education and a career to support his family.
Family Values
Joe coming to America from another country with an Italian back round was definitely classified as a have not. Him growing up in a broken down house with even some of the basic necessities missing definitely shows great impact of his struggle. He had to use the stove to heat his home, he had his electricity cut off he had the basics to get by. It just really calls out.
It wasn’t bad enough that Joe lived in a broken home but even that he came from a broken family. He talked of experiences of family members not talking to one another for over 17 years! Lots of family’s have disputes arguments but he really captured the extreme points of when family members just break apart. But he even caught the best in family for example the fact that he still took care of his father in later years when it was needed. He would help his father pay things off and so on. He could have just as easily abandoned his father and took care of himself to help pay off his bills and his problems.
Something I can relate to is the family values. It is important to value your family. “Blood is thicker than water”. So pretty much that means when everyone else leaves you out to die your family will always be there to save you. I feel Joe had his family values set right even though other parts of his family had their values set in total disarray. Family will always be the most important thing in your life.
What they will be dealing with is the ever changing technology and how they want to incorporate that into their lives. Whether it is finding your wife on the internet as Joe did with Kass, or how much technology will affect the way they learn and work. The way technology evolves so quickly I think that it is inevitable and necessary that it does become part of the classroom. We should not assume that everyone has their own lab top however I believe it is fair to assume that every individual does have some type of access to the internet especially if they are going to school. And it has become vital to learn and be computer literate in our society because it is by no means going anywhere and will only become a bigger part of our everyday lives as society becomes more advanced. So to take technology out of the classroom because of economic assumptions would be a huge mistake.
Joe has another theme in his writing when he speaks of his father’s structural blindness and his own problems with placing his failures and successes on himself instead of his social and economic background. It raises some interesting questions about our nature versus nurture. Just as I had stated in the beginning his children are going to view the world very different from him because they had a more stable jumping off point from the very beginning.
...random thoughts...
Technology is a blessing in all senses of literacy because with technology new languages have formed whether it is an off shoot of another language or it is just a completely made up language with symbols and abbreviations. Now some scholars might believe it is an abomination to language in itself, but I don’t believe that too much. Maybe it is just a new language developing, maybe it’s a start of advancement or maybe its people trying to make packing phrases and meaning into the smallest amount of space they can.
Mrs. Leo brings up a topic that Joe Amato goes into, I’m not sure if she got it from him or thought of it on her own , but it is the idea of is there power in the class room and if so who holds it? Naturally you would think that the teacher holds the power in the class room because they in facts hold all the grades. I think that’s true but I don’t believe they hold all of the power students in their own sense have power they choose what questions to ask, what direction the class is going to. Yeah the teacher has a destination but students can create detours to the destination and in fact explore other areas that the teacher never planned on going into. In my own opinion I believe that the power is set at a 80-20 ratio of the most power going to the teacher.
My Final thought that Joe touches on is the way culture can affect literacy. Oh it can in many ways such as banning of books like harry potter. Why? For its focus on witch craft which is against in the bible so some societies and cultures will refuse to let their kids read that. Cultures have the abilities to limit your own literacy. It also has a chance to expand it such as phrases cultures use that can mean a big picture over all. Joe touched on these topics and brought the idea sto many people’s eyes. It can’t hurt to read it and take a look at it for you.
Technology has changed everything on how we communicate. I think it has changed on everybody’s communication because many are too into the texting, aol, facebook, and so on. Which made them forget how to really communicate in person or even how to write.
To be continued
Childhood Struggles
You can tell that he had to overcome many struggles in life, and get past them, which he did. He overcame everything thrown his way, and went off to become successful. He gave many examples of the hardships he endured which shows what he really had to go through, and really opens you up to how he probably felt. Amato puts in such personal details that you can put yourself in his shoes and really see things from his point of view.
I think that technology has really shaped life, but also education. E-mail accounts are almost necessary, and books are rarely used for research anymore. The internet is a whole new way to live, and a lot of people can’t live without it.
I think that Joe Amato really shows that going through some rough times may be a challenge, but if you strive for what you want, you can get there. This is true for everyone, if you push yourself, you can achieve great things. Sometimes you just have to look at the bright side of things, and use the struggles as motivation. The struggles in my life push me to do bigger things and be a better person, and I think that all people should think this way. It ties into many of the other readings that show the theme of struggles making the writers who they are today, for example Carolina Maria De Jesus’ Child of the Dark.
Chyeahhh Joe Amatoooooo
In some ways, I can relate to Joe Amatos Family values. Considering I get a call from my grama at least once a day about her computer, i know how to use technology, and I try to relay the skills to her. A rolling joke in my family is “IM IN YAHOO!" This is because we were teaching my grama how to get pictures from her camera to her computer and we gave her directions and she completely disregarded what we said and continued to tell us 3 times that she was "IN YAHOO!" All joking aside however, I never had to deal with learning 2 languages for my family however I relate to the technology aspect. I give my grama credit for even trying to learn the in’s and out’s of today’s technology. Her and my gramps are pretty shweet on the computer and I hate to say it but my grama is now on Facebook.
Although the technology argument isn’t “life threatening” or against peoples “moral values” it does happen to be controversial. In some ways technology really “blows” for lack of better words because many people lost their “people skills” and use “aim talk.” However, look at the medical advances we’ve made with preventative care and the cures to diseases that didn’t exist 10 years ago. People are living longer however lives are now cut shorter because the lack of exercise.
People live on their computers in today’s times. Hey how about instead of goin on Facebook, go on a nice long walk or clean your room or dare I say it?...hit the gym! Wowwwwwww miraculous solutions to this “epidemic.” And all you skinny people out there don’t condescend to people who are overweight. However, I digress again.
Joe Amato touches on these topics but what I got out of it is a “coming of age” story about his family i.e. learning new things, stepping into a new generation, a new era of the world. The lesson I learned is to keep an open mind and try to give all new events and products a try, if you don’t like it “spit it out” as I always say.
Relating and Recapping
I really liked the beginning; I felt it set the mood for the rest of the reading. I think in his case, like many others it’s important to see where they began in comparison to where he is now. He definitely got the point across that his life wasn’t easy and he along with the rest of his family struggled and worked hard. He was very descriptive and personal which helped me understand his life even better.
This reading reminded me a little of “Child of the Dark” to see how someone came for a hard place to become successful in life. He went to college and can support himself, which he even mentioned was the first in his family. This reading also relates to a lot of what we discuss in class, because it did show a little slang and talked about “broken” English.
I liked his mention of technology as well. I think technology gives use the resources we need to learn more and in depth. We can Google something in 5 seconds and have a million answers. In conclusion I enjoyed the reading and thought it was very interesting, I liked reading about his life and achievements, because a lot of people think they are going to do what they’re parents did. In reality we can achieve great things no matter who our family is or what they’ve done. We can all create a new path.
Joe's Tech
Technology In my eyes is the most beneficial to everyone’s literacy. You get so much practice in writing, reading, and overall just learning and seeing some many new things that contribute to your literacy. For example the internet is the best way that I can think of to find and learn many new things today. You can actually enhance your intelligence with the use of this technology and other things such as cell phones, etc. Joe Amato understood the fact that its just impossible to get out of poverty without seeking a better education. I think that this is true because now a day’s in this society everyone needs to at least have a four year education from college to get a decent job if that. Its hard to succeed in this society with just a high school diploma.
I find that Joe’s writer’s voice is very alive. He describes his life struggles with his parents being in poverty and how he was in debt. If it wasn’t for the sad passing of his parents he would not have even been able to get out of this endless pit we call credit. All though he was able to pay off his debt and just get by his brother was able to get his business off the ground with the life insurance money . This difference between him and his brother is probably due to the intelligence of each. Maybe his brother was wise about his money and was not so much in debt that he was able to strive for better things.”I tend to believe that people with money and property in their families, with a real estate in their futures, derive a sense of security in the same. ” I think that Joe meant by this that in having a home or something that is yours completely provides you and your family peace at mind. This peace at mind is just something more not to worry about your children’s future because if anything is to happen they will be compensated for their losses. I would be practically lost if it wasn’t for my computers , cell phones , and mostly youtube. If it wasn’t for youtube I wouldn’t have learned much about my viewings because vision is a very good way to learn new things.
Certain Circumstances
Growing up with a Puerto Rican backround I would have to say that there are many things that we are blessed with and something’s we don’t get to have the privilege in having. My mother grew up most of her life in both Puerto Rico and Long Island. She was able to pick up both English and Spanish very well. After high school my mother never went to college and the same with my father so growing up with the latest things, money wise wasn’t so great. Being the only child in the family to go to college I can see how technology has changed the way people live. If we had the things now to use back the life would be a whole different story.
I can see how this would also concern Amato and how can we focus on this when in some situations it is not open to everyone. The reading reading also reminded me of some of the other readings we have done and how education has an effect on how we look and pursue life in our circumstance.
beating the odds
In Joe Amatos’s narrative he illustrates how he did not have much growing up. He was an immigrant from Italy, and even though he wasn’t a citizen he was an over achiever. I can relate to Amato because my father was raised by a native Czech Republic father, and his mother was an immigrant from Italy. My father’s upbringing now influences me because he is not aware of all the technology that there is today, and he isn’t concerned with grades from school. It’s challenging to me to navigate myself through college now because everything is based on technology and the grades you get. However he has the most authority in my house, so for now I’m stuck without a computer, and still keeping track of my own grades, making sure I’m doing the best I know I can do.
I find Joe Amato to be inspiring to me. He started off my speaking “Italian English” then later found himself to speak structured, proper English. Also I was baffled that he had a degree in engineering. That’s pretty incredible if you think about it. This young man went from living in a household where they did not have much of anything, to fulfilling his dream and accomplishing what he knew he could.
In all, I do not believe that if you grow up lower class you will stay there. People prove that to be wrong every day. There are rich people in society today who end up as working class people. There should be no reason why one would not want to better themselves no matter how they grew up, or where they came from. Everybody has the opportunity to be whatever it is they want to be.
I think
Alot of people now days struggle with their lives. I know I came to America with my family thinking life would be much better once we got here. Wasn't I mistaken life here is just as hard sure you get a better education but life is still hard. Even through struggles we can still prevail like Joe Amato did by working hard in day to day life and achivieng a status for ones self
My Idea of Joe's family values
The main thing that comes through across his entire work, which spans a large part of his life, his this idea that the literacy language that has been weaved into his and his families lives was one that had a strict set of rules that didn’t cater to the population as a whole. It left his family out in the cold so to speak. He hints that this is the reason for some of the major problem in his families lives especially his father. His dad had been through a lot and he was an intelligent man but one of the hardest things for him to understand was why he had to fill out one of those “damned” welfare forms as he put it. Joe then really began to explain the true meaning of what it was that his family had never learned about. This lack of knowledge that had left his father, a fairly intelligent man, confused about what it was he was doing with his life.
The idea that the social classes that make up this world and further more the people who make them have no intentions of creating an equal learning ground for those in the lower social classes. Joe went on to explain that his father had never been exposed to this idea, never was taught the concept, that he was on a lower level than other and was taught a specific way that probably never catered to his needs. It left him to feel that everything that had happened to him was his own fault and the burden of his problems was his own doing. It’s a sad truth that Joe describes so purposely and it really makes you think about the way the world is today.
Has anything changed since Joe’s fathers’ time or are we still taught and limited within these same social constraints? Maybe it’s the fact that now at least we have the knowledge that we can go beyond our own educational system to better ourselves if we so choose. We are still confined to the same of learning in the same social classes but we are at least encouraged, if we are so lucky to have a teacher to do so, that we have the ability to break free and move beyond the strict educational ways and move into a more freely based learning experience. Like Joe my ideas may be all over the place but that is because I have decided that the strict learning regiment will not tie down my ability to be a creative thinker.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Joe Amato: His Story
As an immigrant from Italy, there were many obstacles that as a family had to be faced and conquered. As I read his story I never would have guessed that he obtained a four year degree and was now a teacher and a writer. He was able to read, write, and speak English, all of which are challenges in themselves for an immigrant.
There is a part of his selection where he describes the way his grandpa speaks as “broken” English. He also stated that even though his English is “broken” that he is still proud to be a naturalized United States citizen. Even though his English may not be perfect, in my opinion he knew more about the United States than most others. When asked “How many congressman are in the House of Representatives?” or “How many senators are in the Senate?” he knew the answers.
Everyone who immigrates into a new country, or is directly affected by immigration through family members and relatives has a new way of adjusting and excelling. For Joe Amato it was reading, writing, speaking, getting a good education, and a career that would support his family. I have a lot of respect for Amato because he could have given up, but he knew what he had to do for himself and his family. He didn’t waste any time, he knew what he had to do and he got it done. He was the only one in his family to get a degree and he has come so far.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
But, i was surprised to see him tie in his life as an writer and teacher. After reading the first couple of pages about his life, his family. I never thought that he would become what he is now. I guess that was me being steriotypical. I am an italian myself but it just seemed like he wouldnt take the career path he has chosen. But who am i to say that he couldnt do what ever he desired. I am a writer myself and i bet people look at me and my family and wouldnt think that when i go home i like to sit down and read or write for fun. It's always cool to see someone come from something so different, a different kind of culture and see them make a complete change. It's difficult and i deffintley have respect for him for that.
There is a section in the reading where he discusses postive encouragment in writing with his students or just in general. I agree 100% that that is extremely important. I can defintley identify as a studen who wants postive encouragement and feedback. Not all feedback is postive but ethier way id like to hear an oppinon. Also i thought it was interesting that he went to college for technology, but then decided to pursue English. Those two things didnt seem to go hand in hand to me. Thats a big career change if you ask me. But i guess techonolgy and English do have some similarities.
Overall i cant say this wasn't my favorite reading, It really wasn't anything different from what we previously read. Someone with a lower class background trying to better themseleves. But it wasnt too hard to read. So thats a plus. Id like to see in the future something a little different.
My Thoughs on Joe
Chris's opinion.
I find very interesting the way that Amato expresses himself about writing. For many people ,writing is not really a main part of their lives but it is for Amato. He talks about writing in details and he's pointed out some facts that i hadn't realized. He sees that writing can be in various forms and these are "the alphabet(of course), paper, ink,software, hardware, hands". These are things i dont keep in mind but are true because most of students use computers in a daily basis and chat and emails each other and get essays typed up to hand in. Most of the writing nowadays is done on computers.And it's fun!
He also tries to make a point saying that writing doesnt have to look in one standard way and that throughout the years writing changes.He points out the swerves of an S and the zigzags of the Z; this made me think about how the letters could have changed over time and they will keep on doing it as the generations pass by.
A Forced Unity
I find Amato's narrative full of "life". What I mean is that he speaking in his own words in the reading rather than him talking about the usual case scenario of an author's past experiences. He speaks of what he wants to hear himself while at the same time creating something for the reader to think and enjoy rather than writing some juicy gossip. He says, "When I work with words, as in this essay, I'm alternately revealing some truths about myself and exposing truths about others." I find that interesting considering the fact that I never have a clue what to do when I am writing my essays.
Family Values =/
i feel that the story touched on alot of different things like the need for new technology me myself being in the new more modern time i need my technology like my texting im cellphones ect. i feel like i am lost with out it. The new technology can be good and also bad because it can help us upgrade our ways of communication but it can also make us downgrade our speaking skills.but i deeply related to joe amatos thoughts on technology.
My Point Of View On Joe Amato
Sometimes our backgrounds put barriers in how we develop as a person specially educationally, middle class parents have a lot of problem to provide to their children who would like to go a specific university because the lack of funds and the influence a lot. How depends where did you go to school thats is going to difine what type a job you will get.
I agree wit Joe Amato it is true the technology is able to help us to write and compose people could write about anything now in days; you could be writing about news in China if you want to in the same day of a event happen, just you have to look in the internet or the media and you will be able to write about a specific event.
My Own Post
In classroom teachers do have the most power if we do think of it. They are the ones standing in front of the classroom trying to teach different material to us in ways that we can understand them. We obey teachers and there rules in the classrooms. Teachers like to encourage and some like to discourage the technology used. In some classes I use my email all the time and in others there is no need for me to have an email or any communication with my teachers. To contradict myself we the students might have some power as well too, teachers don't have websites they can go on to have there students rated, but us students can rate our professors. Ratemyprofessor.com is a way to hear other students tell us about that certain teacher they had and if they give a lot of homework, if there mean, or if there an easy teacher that just doesn't care. We have the power to look at this and see what class we should actually try and one that we just shouldn't even bother with. I don't believe though that it should effect your social class and where you belong if you don't have certain technology even though it does limit you in some way. Everyone has there own position and standing in life for who they are if they have different racial or gender then others. Our culture ignores these influences because we don't live in a world that is equal. Everyone is different in their own way but by there differences they can be in a lower or higher social ranking.
I never think we should forget who we are or act different to forget our own certain status. We should be excepted no matter who we are but unfortunately things don't work that way in the world. Status really doesn't mean anything to me, but in other cultures being at a high level of ranking is important and sometimes people go to different measures to forget there status and where they really came from. By using texting and iming makes us more open to the different communications that we have with one another. In texting and iming we don't use the normal everyday standard english that we write in papers we use the language and the writing that is more comfortable to us. There's different writing technologies such as a phone, computer, tv that there is writing on. Technology can actually make us better in our writing and reading because we can learn to read and write on the computer as well not just by book or someone teaching it to us. But why should one be judged and put in a certain status if that person doesn't have the right tools or technology? If we all had the same tools and technology in life we'd all be the same and thats not making us unique from one another.
My Feedback On Joe Amato Family Values / Profesor Leo Blogging
Professor Leo also mentioned a very debatable subject. She talks about the "Power in a classroom". Is there power in a classroom?. Me personally i think there is, and 110% of it is held by the teacher. Just not in the classroom , generally in life it goes the same way. " The student learns from the teacher". We all are born oblivious to the world , not knowing anything until someone ( usually parents or people whole substitute their role) teaches us tactics of life. In any type of subject sports, education, even daily living tactics just as eating , cleaning walking, talking etc.... the list can go on forever. Although people can learn certain things by themselves, no one can learn everything without being taught by someone.
I believe that we all learn differently, each generation and even each year because new technology comes out that can help us learn how to read and write easier and better. But i believe that ethnic background does influence how we learn especially when we are the first generation to America and our parents are immigrants. Most countries that our parents were born from don't have the technology that the U.S has so we have to learn it on our own and become accustomed to it. We all also have to consider that not everyone is well off to where they can have all the up to date technology or even just a computer to access at home. It has become harder to avoid not having a computer because everything is done on the internet now so some people are struggling to advance and grow because they can't afford it.
This reminds me of my family because my mother is an immigrant from Italy and she doesn't know how to the use the computer or how to text at all. My brother and I had to force her to get us a computer because we needed it for school. My mom didn't think we needed it because she never used one when she went to school. Or even some cultures don't believe in technology and parents prevent their kids from using it because it is against their culture. How do their kids grow and learn in school if they can't use a computer? This prevents them growing and developing.
Our family influences greatly on how we grow and learn through speaking and listening to one another. But our school life affects our development as well. Everything and everyone influences the way we grow and should take advantage of it to advance into the adult world when we get a job.
A la Famiglia
I like the question that you posted asking"Should we forget who we are in order to to gain a certain status". In my own personal opinion i think we shouldn't. Yes of course as we get older we should know the standard way of speaking and writing english, thats a given but do i think we should just forget about who we are and where we came from completly, no. You should always carry with you what you have learned through out the years of schooling and from self learning and how you go to be where you are today.
In the classroom like you said we tend to not know where we may stand inside of the class and who really has the power. Usually one may think it is the teacher, but to me you cant run a class without students so in some ways the students usually tend to have the power when it comes to the classroom. Students have a voice and share opinions and if anything i think that most teachers or professors can learn a lot from students and learn new things and take certain information that they have learned with them for the rest of their teaching carreir.
Of course these are just my opinions and you can agree or disagree with them. I feel through reading parts of his narrative this is what he wanted us to do.. to have an opinion on the different ways we use technology in the classroom and all the different ways that we use it.
hmmmm...i guess untitled
communications technologies are very important, i know that because i use them everyday, almost all day as well. i was never very fond of writing, i recently have become a fan though. before the present day in which i live, i was sure that i didnt like writing, but now that i think of it, i subconsiously bagan to like writing without even knowing. i remember back in the day, when i was young there was something new brought into the lives of all us americans, AOL. i think thats where i began my writing, at this point i dont know if i liked writing yet, but ive allowed it to become a part of my social life. instead of talking on the phone i would spend hours typing, who would have knew? i typed so much, i practicly had carpotunnel(spell check). now that i have a cell phone, texting is something i do more than anything, i dont even have alot of minutes, all i do is text. i want to say that it makes my life easier but at the same time it makes life harder as well. i know anyone who has had a cell phone and a signifigant other, has had miscommunications through text message. i know ive had, recently too.
to be continued....
I feel like instructors would have a tough time too, dealing with students who don't have the "latest technologies" or surround themselves with a different culture rather than our American society. What if a teacher didn't have access or involve themselves with technological advances? Learning can be enhanced with these new technologies, but it could also mislead them into the illusion of learning. To me, learning comes with interaction and communication amongst people. Along with learning facts and how to do things through an educational structure, communication and how people learn develope social skills and people related learning. If people learned how to communicate clearly and with empathy and understanding, there would be less negativity in the world and more sharing of ideas and mental expansion. Learning, theories, and information would just grow and there would be a mutual understanding of human emotions and behavior if people just knew how to communicate peacefully without getting defensive and/or feel isolated.
I'm not saying that technology can't help improve communication. Computers and internet access are great ways to get information out there for the public to view and to organize information. But how do you know your information and ideas are getting out to the public? Are people interested? Are people even aware of what you're talking about? How will people learn things if they don't know there are things to be learned? This is where our media comes into play, and how through technology, the media along side corperate industries distract the masses with information that doesn't really affect their self happiness or health. Some of this information is used as an escape from "the real world" and some of it is used to distract us from political issues that are actually important, in my opinion. An example of this could be what I read yesteday on my "news today" on AOL. With the headline "Do you believe you are not racist? Take this quiz to find out the truth on how racist you really are!" I thought to myself, you are what you believe you are and you are what your conscious and subconscious ideas display to yourself and others. A quiz is not needed to determine if one is racist or not, being honest with yourself determines this, not even that but one's behavior. Racism issues, gay rights issues, abortion issues...I'm not claiming that these aren't significant in one's life, but the only reason they are is because they are displayed that way through the media and it keeps us busy thinking about these issues that shouldn't really exist, and keeps us debating amongst ourselves about what is "right" and what is "wrong" when in reality nothing is "right" or "wrong" especially these issues; what the government does with our money, all of the things we don't know about, that we don't even know to question because we don't know of its existance because the people and the government have been seperated through our axis of money and power...these are issues that should be discussed, not only discussed but have action sought upon them. Things that affect our country as a whole, a man or woman's freedom to be a human being, which is to live their life and decide what life means to them instead of being born in a society where you pop out with a blind fold on and you don't even realize you have a blind fold on because you've been blind your whole life. Technology feeds the public mind what they want to hear, not what they need to hear, it desensatizes the public to others, real life issues, and themselves and their conscious awareness.
Facebook and Myspace are also both potentially damaging to the way people interact with each other. There is no emotion behind written words, language is very important. To me language is body language, the tone in someone's voice, the intent behind the words and the understanding of words between two people. Texting and messaging through the internet leaves too many variables to be sure that a mutual understanding is being created though conversation.
When Prof. Leo gets into how while she was reading she thought about what we talk about in class, she makes really good points. When she brings up culture and how our world (meaning society) See's it. I believe that our culture is influenced by so many different cultures. The reason i say this is because we do things that were brought here by other cultures and people adapt to them. But is still believe not all cultures are taking in by people. I do believe that many cultures are ignored or disgraced upon as Joe talks about race and discrimination. Discrimination can mean so many things not just in race, and I believe discrimination is based upon ignorance. The reason people ignore some cultures is because they don't want to learn from them. This goes back into the classroom talk. Who really tells us what we can or can't learn? Who tells us why we should learn this way and not another way? I know we talked about learning to read and write in terms of "standard English". We had a deep discussion on that topic for awhile. So is "standard English" something that everyone knows? Of course not! We talked about this, and we even did our project on this so i won't go deep in to slang and all of that, but what is this trying to say about culture. Do we choose what we want to learn or are we in away taught what to learn?
Over all this is all about technology and how is shapes us. I believe technology is our new teacher but you can't learn everything from technology. I believe that people are taking technology a little to far because people use it everyday. What people don't realize is that technology isn't everything. Dose the Internet lie to us? I think it does. Not all the time but i do believe there are the lies. So if the Internet lies, why are so many people using it as a guide of learning? Well technology is good and bad, but there is no right answer to that. As I come to an end, I Want to add, that not only technology influences us, but so does culture and family. Not only in the classroom but on the streets as well.
Family Values
One thing I found interesting was when he started talking about what he does, when I heard that he worked on a writing class I was a little confused. At that part of the story the way he talked totally changed, he went from "Italian English", to an academic language that made me double read his sentences. It is inredible to know that someone can make an academic kind of change in their life.
Honestly I couldn't find mush to say about what I read. To summarize Joe Amato's Family values I would say that it's another story of somone in a lower class community being the first of their family to get a four degree and make something of themselves, and to be able to pay bills and teach people. I find that there is often a like for art and literature for those who are not often around it or can't access it. I can't be suprised when I read another story of this kind.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My Thoughts on Joe Amato's Family Values: Literacy, Technology and Uncle Sam

In Family Values: Literacy, Technology and Uncle Sam Joe Amato narrates how our lives and experiences effect our approach to composing (writing) in the classroom. Not only is Amato concerned with students but instructors who have to negotiate their lives and the social situations that have created them into the teachers, writers and researchers they become. This is something we talked about a couple of weeks ago when we discussed who has the power in the classroom. Does anyone? How do we figure out these power structures and work within them to learn from each other? Through Amato’s own personal background the reader learns how technology has become a part of his teaching but how economic influences can strongly impact literacy practices as well. In other words, can or should I assume that you all have access to the internet? Should I encourage you all to explore technology and its impact on your writing? Amato’s narrative strongly encourages me to consider how our (you as students and me as an instructor) socio economic and ethnic backgrounds influence the way in which we grow as learners.
Amato says, “The point is that my father had never developed the tools-the critical tools- to think about his social circumstances in social terms” and “Despite my having observed this structural blindness in my father, I think I sometimes suffer myself from precisely this ailment: I often find myself attributing my successes and failures solely to my own choices, my own efforts, rather than to my social circumstances” (380). I related deeply to these passages. I think that I had become so sheltered by the disillusioned position society had thrust upon me, that it became difficult to see who I was through the standards that would make me more than a working class citizen.
Now I wanna break it down and be a little less formal in thinking about Joe Amato’s literacy narrative. It made me think about several themes that we’ve discussed in class and those are…..issues of class identity, gender and race discrimination as it pertains to language, literacy, power and oppression. As an Italian-American woman reading Amato’s narrative helped me understand my own past and the struggles I’ve had understanding my position in life and in the classroom. I thought his narrative was honest and told a story that some might find offensive and inappropriate BUT he is uncovering issues of racial and gender discrimination and considering how it has influenced his own thinking. Do we live in a culture that ignores these influences or are we encouraged by mass media to believe we function in a world that is equal? Should we forget who we are in order to gain a certain status? These are hard questions and not one that can be answered in a semester. Instead I wanna try and think about Amato’s piece in relation to the theme educational power ie. how we acquire literacy and who helps build knowledge making.
As I reread sections I find Amato challenging the power structures by discussing his commitment to technologies. He says, “We need these new communications technologies” (384). It’s so easy to text, IM, blog, twitter, use myspace or facebook to talk about things that happen in the classroom and our lives. In what ways have these technologies influenced the act of reading and our writing process? These tools help us understand different genres of writing that will influence some if not most of your professional careers. And as it works with the theme of power and oppression…….shouldn’t we consider the creation of ratemyprofessor.com? That’s technology challenging the status quo of power. Does Amato feel he has power? Is the classroom a place for power struggles or a place to explore together the idea of “power”? If these are issues that you find interesting and intrigue you, you’ll want to look at Michel Foucault, Cornel West and Keith Gilyard, bell hooks just to name a few. Go ahead just wiki or google them.
Ahhh and to end here “A la famiglia”. This is a saying that my family uses whenever we celebrate. It’s something I use here to celebrate how the idea of “the family” really is the root of where we should begin to consider our connections to literacy. It’s our parents, siblings, grandparents, Aunties, Uncles and friends who initially help us shape our reading, writing, thinking and speaking. Our academic lives add to this engagement too. Just as Amato explores those beginnings we should too.
Remember y’all have fun with this!!
Check out Amato's blog http://joeamato.net/